Invisalign® is one of the most popular orthodontic treatments thanks to a system of clear plastic aligners that can straighten teeth without bulky metal wires and brackets. In addition to the aesthetic benefits of Invisalign® during the treatment process, Invisalign® has also been shown to straighten teeth more quickly than traditional braces. Now, with the introduction of AcceleDent®, our patients can see the final results of Invisalign® faster than ever before.
AcceleDent® is an FDA-approved device used to augment the Invisalign® treatment by accelerating tooth movement. While wearing the Invisalign® clear plastic aligners, patients can fit AcceleDent® around the orthodontics. When the device is turned on, gentle vibrations created with SoftPulse Technology® help expedite the process of guiding the teeth to their ideal position. The micropulses from AcceleDent® can cause the bones surrounding the roots of the teeth to remodel, ultimately allowing for greater, faster movement. Orthodontic treatment with Invisalign® and AcceleDent® can be completed up to 50% faster than with Invisalign® alone. As an added benefit, AcceleDent® can even improve the overall comfort of the Invisalign® aligners.
For more information about how AcceleDent® can speed up your Invisalign® treatment, or to schedule a consultation with Dr. John Cross, please contact OC Lifesmiles today.