When your teeth and gums sustain extensive damage that negatively impacts your dental health and self-confidence, it may be time to consider a customized full mouth restoration plan. Candidates for full mouth restoration treatment typically present a combination of dental concerns, which include but are not limited to:
- Periodontal disease
- Decay
- Infection
- Teeth damaged by an injury
- Chipped, broken, or cracked teeth
- Missing teeth
- Teeth requiring root canals or extraction
- Deep stains or discoloration
- Gum recession
- Misaligned teeth
- Eroded teeth
- Old or broken dental work requiring repair
No matter how many oral health challenges you face, our experienced cosmetic and restorative dentist—John Cross, DDS—wants you to know there’s always a solution that can give you a healthy, beautiful smile you’ll be proud of.
At OC Lifesmiles, Dr. Cross can help you transform the health, structure, and appearance of your smile. He offers a broad range of advanced dental procedures and treatments that can be combined to resolve all of your oral health concerns with one treatment plan. Dr. Cross uses state-of-the-art imaging and his dental expertise to thoroughly evaluate the condition of your mouth and formulate a comprehensive diagnosis. With all of your dental concerns identified, he discusses his plans to restore the health of your teeth and gums, fully explaining the restorative and cosmetic approaches that can rebuild and enhance your smile. Dr. Cross also takes the time to help you sort out your goals and priorities and decide on a plan of action that’s fully customized for you.
Your treatment plan may include: laser therapies, crowns, and dental implants, just to name a few of the options available. Full mouth restoration can take place during one long appointment, a series of appointments, or with a phased approach—whichever suits you best.
If you are curious about whether you are a candidate for a full mouth restoration, we encourage you to contact OC Lifesmiles to schedule a consultation with Dr. Cross.